• David Flores x HellFire Canyon Club x BlackBook Toy:Deathead S'murk
David Flores x HellFire Canyon Club x BlackBook Toy:Deathead S'murk David Flores x HellFire Canyon Club x BlackBook Toy:Deathead S'murk David Flores x HellFire Canyon Club x BlackBook Toy:Deathead S'murk David Flores x HellFire Canyon Club x BlackBook Toy:Deathead S'murk David Flores x HellFire Canyon Club x BlackBook Toy:Deathead S'murk David Flores x HellFire Canyon Club x BlackBook Toy:Deathead S'murk David Flores x HellFire Canyon Club x BlackBook Toy:Deathead S'murk David Flores x HellFire Canyon Club x BlackBook Toy:Deathead S'murk David Flores x HellFire Canyon Club x BlackBook Toy:Deathead S'murk David Flores x HellFire Canyon Club x BlackBook Toy:Deathead S'murk

価格:8,800円(税込) 9,900円(税込)

[ポイント還元 264ポイント~]



▼ 商品説明の続きを見る ▼
David Flores x HellFire Canyon Club x BlackBook Toy:Deathead Smurk

*Diamond Cutはシリーズ初のクリア成型残し。
*Diamond Cut is painted in Gold, Silver and Copper on clear casted sofubi.
David Flores x HellFire Canyon Club x BlackBook Toy:Deathead Smurk
David Flores x HellFire Canyon Club x BlackBook Toy:Deathead Smurk
David Flores x HellFire Canyon Club x BlackBook Toy:Deathead Smurk
David Flores x HellFire Canyon Club x BlackBook Toy:Deathead Smurk

David Flores x HellFire Canyon Club x BlackBook Toy:Deathead Smurk
*コッパーはRose edition。
*Copper teeth is Rose edition.

David Flores x HellFire Canyon Club x BlackBook Toy:Deathead Smurk
*ゴールドはFang edition。
*Gold teeth is Fang edition

David Flores x HellFire Canyon Club x BlackBook Toy:Deathead Smurk
*シルバーはOpen Face edition
*Silver teeth is Open Face edition

David Flores x HellFire Canyon Club x BlackBook Toy:Deathead Smurk
David Flores x HellFire Canyon Club x BlackBook Toy:Deathead Smurk
Pay Pal:送料含むトータル金額の5%

[For International Buyers]
We would ship this item worldwide by EMS.
The shipping and handling fee for this item to overseas is 2500yen.(Worldwide flat rate)
S&H for 2-4pcs:3000yen.

We, BlackBook Toy, are proud to announce this collaboration vinyl toy with artist David Flores and HellFire Canyon Club, which bike club Danny Boy of House of Pain runs. Based on David Flores art work, we produced this Deathead S'murks toy in "MADE IN JAPAN" Undeniable quality!! All these editions are clear casted. Only genuine Japanese sofubi can have this glass like beauty. Copper teeth is "Rose", Gold teeth is "Fang", Silver teeth is "Open Face" and fully painted one is "Diamond Cut" edition. Sculpted by Knuckle of Little Chop Design!!

[How to order]
Please press "カートに入れる(add to cart)" above and complete placing your order.
Shipping&Handling fee not included.
You can check S&H for each item on each item page.
You can pay by "Credit Card" or "PayPal".
Here is a link of Currency Converter, this is just for your reference.
Payment must be made in Yen.
Please refer to this page.
Once confirmed payment, we would ship by EMS.

For any inquiry about this product, please e-mail to info@blackbooktoy.com

[Artist Profile]
その独特のステンドグラス技法で知られるLAのアーティスト。スケートカンパニー、DeluxeにてREAL、Spitfireなどのグラフィックデザインを手がけ、独立後Stussy、X-Largeなど名だたるストリートアパレルブランドとコラボ。日本での人気も非常に高く、2012年12月には約4年振りとなる日本でのアートショー、"It's been a minute"を我がBlackBook Toy企画にて開催し、大盛況の内に終了。また、House of PainのDanny Boyと非常に仲が良く、Danny Boyが主宰するバイククラブHellFire Canyon ClubとのDeatheadが人気を博しています。我がBlackBook Toyがフィギュア化したこのDeatheadシリーズのDeathead S'murksからは目が離せません!

David FloresオフィシャルHP


製品名: David Flores x HellFire Canyon Club x BlackBook Toy:Deathead S'murk
商品説明: その独特のステンドグラス技法で高い人気を誇るアーティスト、David Flores(デイビッド・フローレス)とHouse of PainのDanny Boyが仕切る異色のバイククラブ、HellFire Canyon Club(ヘルファイア・キャニオンクラブ)と我がBlackBook Toyのトリプルコラボフィギュア、Deathead S'murkが久々に登場。今回の新色は全てクリア成型。MADE IN JAPANソフビならではのクリア成型の美しさを120%活かしています。歯のみコッパー(Rose)、ゴールド(Fang)、シルバー(Open Face)単色で彩色したeditionとこれら3色でフル彩色したDiamond Cut editionの4種。どれもこれもヤバすぎ!
型番: 16018
メーカー: BlackBook Toy

